Monday, March 16, 2009

Club Red Circle - March 14, 2009

I dont know how it worked, but I got suckered into doing some nightclub photography. I went shooting with my friend King on Palomar as usual and he asked if I wanted to shoot a nightclub. Sounded like a cool idea so I said sure. Then, throughout the day, I start to get the idea that I'm shooting the club alone. And of course, in the end, I am shooting the club alone.

I tell you right now, I am not a club person. I have gone "clubbing" maybe a handful of times in my life, but this was pretty fun. Just goes to show you, doing anything with a camera is more fun than without.

The night went by easy and smooth aside from one incident that ended up leaving me thinking I broke my foot (its ok, I think its just bruised in the end) but I automatically went to protect my gear as soon as the little shove match/cat fight started. I never knew how hard heels hurt when a girl stomps on your feet.

Nightclub Nightlife Club Red Circle Downtown San Diego California

Nightclub Nightlife Club Red Circle Downtown San Diego California

Nightclub Nightlife Club Red Circle Downtown San Diego California

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